About "Hooray Smile"

100年以上の歴史を持つイタリアの老舗メーカーとタッグを組んでオリジナル帽子ブランドを立ち上げたり、今は誰もが知るスペインの靴ブランドをいち早く日本へ紹介したり、「流行にこだわる」より「本物にこだわる」 を大切にしています。
また、セレクトする商品やオリジナル商品は、『人が心をこめて作り出す物』をコンセプトとし、人の手により一つ一つ、色調合、型抜き、研磨されたガラスストーンを使用したオリジナルブランドの『オスミチュカ(Osmička )』やゴールドスミスによって造形されるGold Miss, Caro Bartlingなどのジュエリーは、(株)フーレイスマイルならではの商品群です。

Hooray Smile Co., Ltd. was established with a hope that we would like to make you smile by enjoying our merchandise. We select and introduce the garment accessories merchandise which have quality and originality to Japan mainly from Europe.
We produced original hat brands with an Italian maker of over one hundred years standing and we are the first company that introduced a Spanish shoes brand, which is renowned now in Japan. We think “real” rather than “fashion”.  
The selected and original merchandise are based on the concept “ the goods made by people with all their heart”, the original brand “Osmička” used glass stones which are respectively handmade with color blending, cutting and grinding, and jewelry which is created by gold smith such as “Gold Miss” and “Caro Bartling” and so on, are special goods we Hooray Smile Co., Ltd. carries.
Hooray means cheering up.